September 17, 2024
Contact: Julia Roach |

NY SANE Co-Conveners Demand City Stop Housing New Arrivals on Floyd Bennett Field

NEW YORK, NY— The co-conveners of NY SANE, an advocacy coalition comprised of religious institutions, organized labor, and advocates defending the right to shelter, released the following statement in response to reports that the City has renewed its lease at Floyd Bennett Field: 

“As the number of new arrivals entering New York City has decreased, the City should be moving families out of the inhumane congregate setting of Floyd Bennet Field into more humane and appropriate accommodations.

Unfortunately, the City plans to continue to house families in these unsafe conditions and has renewed its lease for Floyd Bennett Field for another year. NY SANE once again calls on our partners in government to find alternative safe accommodations for families with children that provide privacy, access to services, and are not located in a flood zone susceptible to storms and wind, which have forced the site to be evacuated in the past.

There is no excuse for continuing dangerous stopgap measures that put families and children in harm's way. The City and the State must prioritize long term solutions such as connecting new arrivals with permanent housing.”